Monarch Caterpillar Video

I've loaded a series of monarch caterpillar videos here. Simply right-click the link for the file, select Save Target As... or Save Source As... and choose where you wish to save the file. The first is a Windows Media file of the caterpillar transitioning to its chrysalis (pupa form.) The second two videos are timelapse MPG4 format and are two monarchs emerging from their chrysalises. The first is the same caterpillar that is in the first video transitioning to the chrysalis. The second is another caterpillar from the same set of eggs that went into chrysalis later in the day from the first caterpillar. It may also be possible to play the videos by simply clicking each link but I never count on that.


Please email me at if you have problems with the download link or if you have questions at all. Please feel free to use and distribute the photos as you please.